Saturday, September 18, 2010

A step closer to the homestretch - and a different look at my "home"

I must confess that I haven't done much after finishing the entire draft in August. I returned to Hong Kong to visit my boyfriend and my brother, who was hospitalized for an unknown lump on his back only to discover that it's infection by the mould. How bizarre it is. I had a wonderful time in Hong Kong, following the advice from my supervisor, who believes that I should take a break so that I can have a fresh eye on my thesis.
I took her advice faithfully, ending up doing nothing but spending time dine and wine away my entire vacation in Hong Kong. A good thing to do, I must say. Never in my life can I have so much pleasure and leisure in Hong Kong. Work pressure is outrageous in this little town. With over 7 million population in just about 2000, it is not just packed and compact in terms of physical space, but also emotionally, you feel you are entirely filled up. Virtually I work 10 to 12 hours a day. Starting from 10 am to 10 pm. And when I go home, I still work for an hour or two when I get home. This is the awful thing about technological advancement. When all your documents and work is just a click away.
What I am glad about the trip is that at least I could act like a visitor for a while to enjoy something I could barely do when I was in my hometown. And looking at my home city from a new perspective. It is vibrant, it's lovely, at times suffocating, but after all, it makes you feel fully-charged and young and crazy all the time.
Viva Hong Kong!!

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