Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The cost of my PhD - stress, nothing but stress

This is my third year and hopefully, marching slowly but surely towards completing my entire thesis of 100,000 words. Well, the cause of writing never did run smooth. I just came back from London, with my first chapter done, at least for the moment. But then when I think of the five remaining chapters ahead. I cannot help but shiver. After all, those are demanding chapters that require absolutely meticulous details. Since I am doing gender studies/anthrpology research, I am already in an area where writing and carving out chapters requires sweat and blood. What does it mean? Writing thesis on discipline such as communication is demanding in terms of the research process but then chapterwise they are standardized. Whereas for what I am doing, I may end up moving my chapters a lot and that's my worst fear. I can see what the stress has done to me. To be fair, it's more both my work and my study are give me stress. More from work though as my superboss is a bit....eh.... mad at the moment for whatever reasons. When someone is unreasonable, it's a plague, it affects everyone.

Coming back to my study. Why then do I want to do a PhD? For practical reason, I need it to have a job in the academia. As for others, I think it's a challenge to one's stamina and intellect, as well as perseverance. I have always thrived on stress. Whenever there is a deadline, I produce stuff that of absolutely sensational quality. You may think three to four years is a helluva time. But I tell you the truth (haha. this is what i have picked up from bible study. Whenever Jesus wants to make his case, he will always start with "I tell you the truth"). If you are really aiming at doing a thorough, rigorous research, three to four years is a pretty short time. And I have already passed the second and marching towards the third time. The clock is ticking and I am still quivering at the very idea of handing in my work in Mid-September. What to do? What to do? I don't know.

Well, I guess from now on I will need to change my strategy. Instead of thinking how I thrive on stress, I will just write whatever comes to my head to make enough words at least for the full draft next September so that I can buy one more year to fact-check and edit the entire piece. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will be able to do it.

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